
5 Way to Increase your Hemoglobin for Pregnant women

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 Hemoglobin plays major role in the Body Functioning, Esspecially carrying Oxzen to the cells and bringing back Carbon dioxide back to the lung. When the person feels headache, tired too often, Breathing shotage there is possibility that he/she need to improve Hemoglobin to the level of 12 to 14 for the women and 14 to 16 for the adult men.
Generally Indian women major are having Hemoglobin less then 12, especially they need to give more attention to it at the time of pregnancy time.
There are many method you can improve it, here are the method, which I m following in my pregnancy time to improve hemoglobin in natural way

Cook in Iron Vessel:

Its simple and effective method is to cook the food in the Iron Kadai, which will in take iron into the food, which will add Iron in your food. Here you are not adding anything extra. Its one of the Traditional method by Indian people normal life. Because of life style and vessel maintainence, people where shifted to non Stick and steal. So its time to go back to the roots.

Drink wheat Cross Juice:

wheat Grass carries the chlorophyll which will help to increase the Hemoglobin.
Wheat Grass can be easily grown in home. Here are the steps simple steps, will give you detail of its in separate article.

Soak the Wheat seed almost 24 hours then drink the water completely. Then add in the container by covering it cloth and cover the container with Lid. Keep this Container in the sun and you can see the sprouts with in 2 to 3 days depend on the climate.

Then take a tray which is having bottom Hole where the root can be gone down where we can keep water below or we can spray water on top. Both can b e worked out.


Beetrot Malt:

Beetroot Malt is made of Beetroot, Country Brown Suger, Cashew, Badham and Cadamon and Iron Kadai. As this Beetroot Malt must make in the Iron Kadai where it will help to increase 2 to 3 point of Hemoglobin Generally.


½ KG Beetroot
½ KG Suger Cane suger (Brown orgnial)
100 Gram miox of patham,cashow and cadamon.
Iron Kadai with lig and cover.

Make Paste of Beetroot after removing the skin and grind it. And Add that paste in the Iron Kadai. Keep the flame in medium and start mix it slowly until where the water evaporate. Then add half kg of country sugar and mix it continually until it becomes thick consistency. At that stage where you feel difficult to mix and blend, that time need to add the dry roasted Nuts powder and mix it.
Switch off the Flame and Start to cool the mixer below the Fan, as you can see the sudden changes in the consistency form.
Then continuously cool that down by mixing then you will get powder form with little lumps, where you can make that into course powder. Note: you should not use mixer grinder for long time, as the head might make them to melt again.
You can have this with milk, curd, adding with Juice and can have as a raw.

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Dry Fruits:

One of simple and also easily available item are Dry fruits. Especially Fig, Dry Grapes and dates.
Take equal ratio, or as per taste of your choice, soak this all three in water one night and in the morning you can make an juice or you can have it and drink the soaked water. Also one of the effective method of improving the Hemoglobin.


Last one is Fasting method, everyone gets surprise, How can we expect pregnant women to take fasting.
Fasting is one of the good way to cleanse the body and clean the bosy by itself without interrupt of any other third source.
When you are doing a fasting for one day a week, where you can see the significant improvement in the body Hemoglobin. Initially you can start fasting in the morning, Later Morning and afternoon as per your comfortability.

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